
Web Links below are provided for information

Ethnic Options of Mixed Race People in Britain
A Report for UK Census Agencies on Preferences for Terminology and Classifications
Who am I? Mixed Race identity and schools: What we need to know
This research shows that being mixed-race in itself does not result in mental health difficulties, but it is how society and peers view that identity which may cause difficulties.
Amina PagliariArtist
My body of work explores my mixed-raced identity depicting the inner tension between my two races (White and South Asian) as I have always struggled to identify with both sides
Mixed Messages
‘How do you define your race?’ Yasmine Akram
Images and interviews with mixed race people from around the world
Poetic Unity
Giving a voice to young people to reach their potential and be safe, heard, empowered
The Mixed Museum
A digital museum and archive sharing and preserving the social history of racial mixing in the UK
A mixed race perspective and view of the mixed-race experience, highlighting relevant resources
Association of Mixed Race Irish (AMRI)
Positively promoting and supporting Irish people of mixed race backgrounds and their families/relatives.
A no-holds-barred look at parenting mixed race or multiracial children.
Mixed Race Hair UK
Shared experiences, tips and issues for mixed race hair
Mixed Race Family
A one-stop shop for all things related to mixed race parenting
Inheritance Project
A project to help people understand themselves and others, to bridge divides, build trust, and create communities of belonging.
Letterbox Library
Letterbox Library is committed to celebrating equality, diversity and inclusion in the very best children’s books.
Colours of Us
All about multicultural children’s books
Communities Empowerment Network (CEN)
CEN aims to support, advise, represent and reintegrate pupils excluded from school back into full-time, mainstream education (especially those experiencing discrimination) and to supports parents to play an empowered role for the successful education and progress of their children.
FYC was created in UK for all kinds of mixed textured hair, from wavier curls through to tighter coils
The Interfaith Marriage Network
Network of people in mixed marriages, interfaith, intercultural and international relationships that offers support and information for couples and families.
Mixed Race Studies
A variety of resources on the mixed-race experience from scholarly perspectives.
Swirl aims to unite the mixed community by providing support to mixed families, mixed individuals, transracial adoptees, and inter-racial/cultural couples
Music Football Fatherhood
Online resource for dads to talk listen and learn about all stages of parenting
The Runnymede Trust
Runnymede is the UK’s leading independent race equality think-tank. It aims to generate intelligence for a multi-ethnic Britain through research, network building, leading debate, and policy engagement.
The Centre for the Study of Biracial Child (CSBC)
CSBC provides advice and resources to parents of multiracial and multiethnic children, multiracial children and adults, and professionals dedicated to supporting, affirming and nurturing multiracial and multiethnic identities and diversity.
Metis de France
French non-profit association created in 2009 which engages with young people, professionals and parents through conferences, workshops and artistic projects about mixed-race identity and multi-culturalism.
Supporting Black and Mixed-Parentage families since 1980 in the Brighton area.
Mixed in Different Shades
Exploring the history of multiracial and multicultural people and communities worldwide.
Mix Peeps
A social media platform welcoming people of all races and ethnicities to share their experiences; it was built to provide multiracial and multi-ethnic people with a voice, celebrating diverse cultures and heritage from around the world.
Race Equality Foundation
Foundation established in 1987 promoting racial equality in social support and public services.
Project Race
Based in the U.S., advocating for multiracial children, adults and their families through education and community awareness and committed to the appropriate inclusion of multiracial people on any forms that require racial identification