Breaking Stereotypes With Data:
A Report on Mixed Race Children & Families in the UK
People in Harmony commissioned cutting-edge research into the lives of mixed race children and families in 21st century England.

In using a state-of-the-art and up-to-date survey of parents of nought to nine-year-olds, ‘Breaking Stereotypes with Data’ provides new insights into the pervasive nature of lingering stereotypes, concluding that the lives of mixed race children and families are far more complex than these stereotypes would have us believe. Published by People in Harmony a download of this report cost £10.00
‘Breaking Stereotypes with Data’ is the first of its kind to deliver robust academic research with nuanced guidance and care from a mixed race community organisation. This report shows a contemporary view of the lived experiences of mixed race people and families, and calls upon government, health services, local government, public services and other organisations to improve their services and practices for mixed race children and families.
The results confront and disprove any lingering negative stereotypes of mixed race children and families. Previous social research and the new interviews show us that negative perceptions still exist and have a measure of impact on mixed race families. Yet analysis of these data show that there is no basis to these stereotypes, specifically that mixed race children are ‘mixed up’, or that parents of mixed race children place them at a disadvantage. Therefore, the report is ‘breaking stereotypes with data’, concluding that the lives of mixed race children and families are far more complex than stereotypes would have us believe.
The Bristol event was hosted at the University of Bristol with thanks to Emeritus Professor Roger Bullock. The launch which took place on Monday 19 February 2018 included a brief presentation from the author, Stephanie Guy, and a short film on mixed race families by Sara Hurley and Steve Sowden, followed by light refreshments.

The Manchester event was made possible by the kind sponsorship of The Very Reverend Rogers Govender, Dean of Manchester. People in Harmony is grateful to him and his team for supporting the launch of this report which took place on Thursday 01 March 2018.

The London event took place on Thursday 08 March 2018 at the Houses of Parliament and was kindly hosted by Baroness Young of Hornsey
Copies of the report can be purchased for£10.00 online by clicking here Order Form