Mixed Race Couples and Families

'People in Harmony (PIH) was established in 1972 as a support group for families at a time when the disadvantages of racial mixing were emphasised in the wider society. Over the years, PIH has challenged these assumptions and evolved to meet the needs of our members and of the mixed race community throughout Britain through support, representation, awareness campaigns, research, and dialogue with the public services. Our work has involved engagement with schools, local authority social services, official bodies such as the Office for National Statistics, and government departments such as Communities and Local Government.'  Joint Statement 2009


'The Mixed Race Couple Experience – a personal perspective'  Sharon Evans, a Counsellor and a People in Harmony member, spoke at our 'Mixed Race, Mixed Racism & Mental Health' Conference 2009. A Conference Report was published in 2010 and can be purchased from People in Harmony.