Mixed Race & Suicide Risk

People in Harmony, (PIH), has been contacted by Samaritans who are undertaking a new programme of work around groups at risk of suicide that are currently underrepresented in suicide prevention research and policy.

Samaritans are aiming to understand why some people may be at greater risk and what changes are needed so that fewer people die by suicide.

As part of this programme, they are reviewing the available evidence around suicide among people of mixed ethnicity. Recent ONS data show that the Mixed Race group has relatively high rates of suicide compared to other ethnic groups. Samaritans are eager to learn from organisations like ours and would be grateful to know of any research and evidence related to suicide among people of mixed ethnicity. 

Samaritans are also keen to support other organisations involved in work related to suicide among this group. People or organisations with upcoming workstreams, to which Samaritans may be able to contribute, are encouraged to get in touch. 

Please contact Samaritans if you can help to provide the evidence they are seeking.

Samaritans, The Upper Mill, Kingston Road, Ewell, Surrey, KT17 2AF
Mobile: 07485344934
E-mail: a.rossiter@samaritans.org
Web: http://www.samaritans.org 
Facebook: www.facebook.com/samaritanscharity
Twitter: www.twitter.com/samaritans

Mortality from leading causes of death by ethnic group, England and Wales: 2012 to 2019. 
Experimental analysis of ethnic differences in mortality and cause-specific mortality
ONS Data July 2021

SuicideMixed ethnic groups

Males from White and Mixed ethnic groups had the highest rates of suicide since 2012-14
In males, the highest rates of suicide have been in the Mixed and White ethnic groups. Rates for these two groups have not statistically differed over time, and in 2017 to 2019 rates in the Mixed (14.7 deaths per 100,000 males) and White (14.9 deaths per 100,000) groups were almost identical.

Age-standardised rates of death per 100,000 from suicide by ethnic group, deaths registered in England and Wales, males, 2012-14 to 2017-19

Females in the mixed ethnic group had the highest rate of suicide since 2012-14
In females, the highest rate of suicide has been in the Mixed ethnic group, and the rate in this group has been statistically significantly higher than the rate in the White group in five of the six periods of study (all periods except 2012 to 2014). In 2017 to 2019 there were 7.1 deaths per 100,000 females in the Mixed ethnic group, compared with 4.9 suicides per 100,000 in the White group.

Age-standardised rates of death per 100,000 from suicide by ethnic group, deaths registered in England and Wales, females, 2012-14 to 2017-19