A Call for Your Views as a mixed race person or as a mixed race family 
People in Harmony, PIH, will be taking part in a discussion at a participative conference “The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry 20 years on”. What have we learnt? What still needs to be done?”. The organizers are particularly interested in people’s views on police-community relationships in London.
Our mixed race community has experiences of racism in terms of community and public services ie police, education, housing, health and employment that give valuable insights to provide on this topic
We would like to gain your ideas on how things have changed and what the picture is now. Can you tell us if you have experienced racism over the 20 years? Were things dealt with differently than before changes to the legislation around Hate Crime? Is there any progress? Would a young mixed race person today face the same problems as in the past? Would a young mixed race family starting their journey in today’s society encounter racism?
If you live in London or have experiences in other parts of the UK, we would like to hear from you. We will be gathering up your comments between March 20th and March 27th.
Here is what we would like to know:
1. Does being a mixed race person in 2019 mean that you experience Hate Crime?
2. Have you experienced racial harassment as a mixed race couple or family over this time?
3. Have things improved over 20 years since Stephen’s murder?
4. Has it got worse?
5.Have you as a mixed race person personally, or as a mixed race family, had any involvement
or benefited from any projects, or services, as a result of Hate Crime?
(i) What was it?
(ii) How did it help you?
6. Did you report the incident? If no, why not?
7. Do you know of any groups or initiatives who have provided support to counter racism?
8 .What more needs to be done?
Download and complete Call for Views and send to info@pih.org.uk by midday Wednesday March 27, stating the area you live in the UK
This will help provide information making the case from both an urban and a rural perspective.
We’d like to hear from you to enable us to represent the views from the mixed race community.
Thank you,
Susann Savidge, Chair