RESEARCH: A call for MIXED-RACE people to participate
Hey! My name is Sara and I am a final year Psychology with Sociology student at Edinburgh Napier who needs participants for my study.
I am looking into what affects racial identity in mixed-race individuals. This is something that I am personally interested in due to being mixed-race myself and facing similar questions of identity growing up in two different cultures.
Requirements to participate is simple:
- 18+ in age
- Identify as mixed-race
- Lived in the UK for 5+ years
- Considerably fluent in English.
I’ll be doing interviews either via videocall or phone call (your choice). The interviews will be a one-time occurrence and should take around 45 minutes to complete.
If you know anyone that is mixed-race and would be interested in taking part, please share this post or email me directly at
Sara 😊