Mixed Race Voices & Narratives

PIH Members Chat Zoom March 2022
Inclusion & Representation for Mixed Race People, Families & Couples

Tuesday 01st March 2022 7:00pm – 8:30pm

We’re looking forward to Tuesday evening’s Chat Zoom this week with the topics, interests and experience that members bring to the meetings.

Books are for everyone but changes are needed to be able to reflect and represent all who read them. Authors Darren Chetty and Karen Sands-O’Connor’s looked at representations of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic voices in children’s books in the series “Beyond the Secret Garden” and a report published by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education‘Reflecting Realities – A Survey of Ethnic Representation within UK Children’s Literature 2017’ includes statistics that show only 1% of children’s books published in 2017 for the 3 -11 year-old age group included a main character from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background. For books containing any BAME characters (including secondary or background characters) the figure rose only to 4%.

Join us as a member for a yearly subscription of only £12.00 and you can be part of the monthly chats with other members, receive copies of our magazine and the other benefits that come with being a member of the UK’s Mixed Race charity – People in Harmony. Making Mixed Race Matter!

The Spring Issue of our magazine Mixed Race Matters is due to be published and distributed to members in March. Join Us and sign up for an annual membership subscription to receive your copy!

Contact Us for membership queries and details of the next meeting in April 2022!